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Planning Board Minutes 3/29/17
Planning Board Meeting Notes for Wednesday March 29, 2017 at 8 a.m.

Open meeting and take attendance.
Open at 8:02 a.m.
Planning Board members:
Tom Sawyer
Maggie Leonard
Roger Tryon
Larry Klein
Pat Solomon
Stephen Enoch
Members of the public:
John Szablonski
Bettina Schwartz
Ira Kaplan
Gareth Backhaus/Chief of Police
Shawn Tryon
2 others
Leonard read letters from neighbors
Group letter from Bettina and neighbors
Michael Vattis and Mary Claire Hogan

Meet with Fire Chief/Head of Department of Public Works Shawn Tryon.  Hume site plan review
Comments from Shawn
Stop sign at Chestnut hill to Cronk –both sides
Stop sign on Cronk to Sandisfield road
Chestnut Hill to Route 23
Steep grade and potentially hazardous travel
Will continue to be closed in winter
Option would be to install switchbacks in the road- very expensive
Chestnut hill to Sandisfield
Steep hill
Potential flooding at low point
Cronk Rd. to Sandisfield (Town Hill Rd.)
Sandisfield section has not been maintained for more than 20+ years.
Would require cooperation from Sandisfield
Speed Bumps
Causes noise and other problems
Are they legal in Massachusetts?
DOT Recommendations
25 mph is the legal speed limit.  15MPH is advisory not enforceable (yellow sign).
Stop signs
Will cause ruts at the stops and will require blacktop and maintenance.
Right of way
On Cronk Rd. town owns about 50’ at the blind curve.
Roger Tryon cited the narrowness of Cronk Rd. at the blind curve/one lane width and stated that the town has a 50’ right of way (ROW).
Whose property is in the ROW?
Shawn Tyron stated that at the narrowest point Cronk Rd. is 16’ wide because there is a stone wall in the ROW.
Shawn Tryon reported that there is about 8’ to expand the blind curve to improve the sight line a bit.
Cronk road needs to be surveyed
Has always been a safety issue
Limit size of vehicles and don’t allow large trucks to use the road?
Not practical

Enforcing the speed limit and comments from Police Chief Gareth Backhaus.
Patrols go to the area regularly
Not a lot of traffic is observed
Recommend the Radar Trailer
Will record the number of cars and how fast they are going
Can do an informal traffic study
Short term recommendations from Highway and Police.
Long term solution
Survey the road
Widen road
Make the road 2 way with a hard surface
Two driveways that are the issue
There are planted trees in the right of way that are blocking the road and the sight line from the driveway.
John Szablonski
Hume supports traffic control
Traffic is low in the area
Contends that more campers will not mean more truck traffic on Cronk Rd.
Sysco truck comes once a week
Pepsi truck comes once a week
Garbage once a week
Attendance to the camp is a mix of buses, school buses and cars and vans
Speeding drivers are just as likely to be residents of the road as visitors to the camp.
Hume communicates to attendees the dangers of the road.
At times Hume would be the most populated area in Monterey if they achieve their goal with a capacity 500 people.
Need to have cost numbers to make a good decision
Shawn and Ken meeting with DOT on Friday.
Action Items
Gareth and Shawn will do a traffic study as soon as the snow is gone.
Stop signs will be put in at the end of Cronk at Sandisfield and at Cronk to Chestnut Hill Road.

Plan Bd discussion about site plan review time line.
The meeting was adjourned at 9 a.m.

Resepctfully Submitted,
Tom Sawyer
Maggie Leonard